Saturday, January 3, 2009

Present from my parents

Muahahaha...among all the years, this year I was really having a bumper harvest. Because,

First, many people greeted me. Even some who were unexpected.

Second, I received the most number of presents this year. From my ex-schoolmates, college mates, Aunt, and my parents!

The most important thing is everything they gave me was the one I was about to buy for myself, like slipper, Hat, soft toy, angpao(from my Aunt, lol) and the thing I've long for, handphone!!!! Ta da

Thanks mum and dad!!! Thank you everyone who greeted me and gave me present and celebrated with me!

1 comment:

珍麦麦 said...

Haha~~finally u got a brand new hp~
not anymore the USED handphone~kaka